Poprad - Kvetnica
City district
Discover the most beautiful parts of Kvetnica
You can find out more about Kvetnica from the information boards near Malý Lom, or come to the information center in Poprad for a larger A3 map with our tips and points of interest about this location!
Discover wood carvings in the suburban recreational forests of Poprad-Kvetnica! The city part of Kvetnica lies south of the city center and the suburban forests are spread on the hills of Kozie chrbty.
Monday – Sunday | 00:00 – 24:00 |
City district
Rozhýbte svoje telo!
Near the bike path and sports facilities under construction you will find a concrete playground, which is designed for the local skateboarding and biking community.
Multisálové kino premietajúce rôzne žánre filmov
Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.
Rozhýbte svoje telo!
Near the bike path and sports facilities under construction you will find a concrete playground, which is designed for the local skateboarding and biking community.
Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.
New two-room apartment just 150 meters from the center of Poprad, offers views of the Tatras. Thanks to its location, the city of Poprad is immediately available with the possibility of trips to the High Tatras.
Nalaďte sa na najkrajšie sviatky roka rodinným koncertom Mira Jaroša s kapelou. Na svoje si prídu malí aj veľkí. Príďte a spolu si zaspievame pesničky: Príde Mikuláš, Bola raz malá hviezdička, Nech už nasneží, Vo vianočnej pekárni, Kto ukradol sneh a veľa ďalších.
Theater "Royal Classical Ballet" returns to Slovakia with the most famous Christmas ballet "The Nutcracker". And so all lovers of ballet, dance and classical music can once again look forward to their next unforgettable performance.
OPEN turnaj v steelových šípkach
Milí priatelia, Rozlúčte sa so starým rokom a privítajte nový rok 2025 na nezabudnuteľnom koncerte v spojení dvoch skvelých slovenských kapiel - Kollárovcov a DESmodu, kde zaznejú všetky ich známe hity.
Najúspešnejšia broadwayská muzikálová komédia súčasnosti (THE NEW YORK TIMES) prichádza na Slovensko v réžii Jána Ďurovčíka!
La Strada is a moving, tragic story of love, cruelty and personal transformation.