Woodcarvings in Kvetnica

Discover the most beautiful parts of Kvetnica
City district
Kvetnica is a place of rest and recovery, not only for locals but also for tourists. From Kvetnica leads many marked hiking trails, circuits, Calvary to the Chapel of Resurrection on the Mount Krížová 941 m.n.m.
- focused mainly on the presentation of forest vegetation zones of Slovakia in a small area municipal forests Poprad, historical archaeological sites Zámčisko and National Nature Reservation Hranovnícka Dubina.
- tourists can also reach with the green hiking trail Mount Zámčisko 921 above sea level, from where is a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside.
- circuit is 13.6 km long and it will take you 3 hours. 45 min. Pavement markings is sloping green.The starting point is in forest park on Kvetnica. Inputs on the route are easily and quickly accessible to the bus stop.
- suitable for lovers of beautiful nature, especially for its representation of diverse species. The path leads mostly mixed fir forests of beech, fir and spruce on the northern slopes, but on the south side of the hill is change to the oak forests. The trail is marked with a yellow symbol in the shape of a circle, beginning in park Kvetnica.
- you can also reach the exceptional Chapel of Resurrection on the top Mount Krížová 941 above sea level. Walkway to the chapel is marked with a black cross on a white background. On the way to the chapel, there is a beautiful view to the Slovak Paradise, Low and High Tatras.
- circuit is 4.8 km long and it will take you 1 hour and 15 minutes. The starting point is a forest park on Kvetnica. Inputs on the route are easily and quickly accessible to the bus stop.
Hiking trails are well marked, despite a recommendation for tourists is to carry the tourist map, and appropriate clothing.
- in the northwestern part is hunter yard Kvetnica, the area of 21 ha, with farming mouflon and wild boar.
- mental visitors will find solace in the Roman Catholic Church of Sts. Helen (1909 – 1910) in Kvetnica.
- in Kvetnica, there is also the old Mine Strieborná (mining began in 1562, but lasted only two years), which was once mined copper ore, silver and even gold. Currently, the entrance to the mine is closed to the public, government want to open the mine for tourist in future.
- Kvetnica interest is the occurrence of minerals, particularly Agate (old approx. 250 million years) in the quarries below the top Zámčisko.
- effective climate conditions have oriented Kvetnica to build a climatic spa, medical institute is now sadly closed.
- from Poprad, the railway station Poprad-Tatry, leads green hiking trail, that you can comfortably reach Kvetnica till two hours. The mount Zámčisko 921 m.n.m. 3 hours in total. The route has a total of nearly 10 km.
- you can use also buses to reach Kvetnica. The bus stop is called Poprad, Kvetnica sanatorium. Options coaches are on www.cp.sk
- with a car from Poprad direction Rožňava
In case of your interest, we can provide you a guide that will show you the most beautiful landmarks of Poprad forests and the Kozie chrbty mountain! Enjoy walking tours to the summit Mount Zámčisko 921 above sea level , trails to the exceptional Chapel of Resurrection at the peak of Krížová 941 m.n .. or a walk to the game preserve. You will learn many facts not only from history, but also from nature.
Operation times unavailable.
Discover the most beautiful parts of Kvetnica
Rozhýbte svoje telo!
Multisálové kino premietajúce rôzne žánre filmov
Near the bike path and sports facilities under construction you will find a concrete playground, which is designed for the local skateboarding and biking community.
Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.
Discover the most beautiful parts of Kvetnica
Rozhýbte svoje telo!
Near the bike path and sports facilities under construction you will find a concrete playground, which is designed for the local skateboarding and biking community.
Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.
New two-room apartment just 150 meters from the center of Poprad, offers views of the Tatras. Thanks to its location, the city of Poprad is immediately available with the possibility of trips to the High Tatras.
Keďže je tu čochvíľa jar, tak dielničky počas jarných prázdnin začíname výrobou maľovaných kvetiniek. Vyrobíme si 3 krásne kvietky a naša izbička hneď ožije. Všetok materiál je v cene kreatívnej dielničky.
Najúspešnejšia broadwayská muzikálová komédia súčasnosti (THE NEW YORK TIMES) prichádza na Slovensko v réžii Jána Ďurovčíka!
Po trinástykrát Vás veľmi radi privítame na našom plese, ktorý organizujú učitelia okresu Poprad pod záštitou primátora mesta Ing. Antona Danka.
Vážení priaznivci tanečného športu, pozývame Vás na ďalšie kolo majstrovstiev Slovenska v spoločenských tancoch.
La Strada is a moving, tragic story of love, cruelty and personal transformation.
2.ročník najúspešnejšej tatérskej súťaže na Slovensku! Miesto kde môžete vidieť najlepších tatérov na jednom mieste a kde vám ukážu ako sa tvorí umenie na koži. Uvidíte priebeh procesu tetovania, kam sa toto remeslo medzičasom posunulo, pričom tatéri budú počas celých dvoch dní súťažiť o víťazstvo v jednotlivých kategóriách.
Unikátne a originálne spojenie dvoch slovenských, no svetových umeleckých telies a prejavu spontánnej a živelnej kultúry kočovných Cigánov prináša na javisko režisér a choreograf Ján Ďurovčík v úplne novej, strhujúcej hudobno-tanečnej feérii. Je plná prekvapujúcich a dych vyrážajúcich tanečných scén v podaní Slovenského divadla tanca.
Celtic Legends, ktorí pochádzajú z divokých a krásnych hôr Connemar v Írsku a cestovali po svete od svojho vzniku. Ich šou, naplnenú tradičnou írskou kultúrou môžete teraz zažiť aj vo svojej krajine. Predstavenie so živou hudbou, tancom a spevom s ohľadom na kultúru a starovekú históriu vytvára úžasnú atmosféru, ktorá prenesie divákov do Írska, jeho kultúry, jeho krajiny, jeho krčiem, jeho hudby a jeho srdca.