Workout park

Outdoor, For kids
  • Recommended

Rozhýbte svoje telo!

For those who want active rest, fans of fresh air with their own weight through various benches, dinghies, and other elements. The elements will serve to strengthen various muscles - strengthening in the abdomen, lumbar region, upper and lower limbs and overall strengthening and improving the condition of the body.

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Ludvíka Svobodu 2669/29058 01Poprad
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    Operation Times

    Operation times unavailable.

    Weather Forecast

    Broken clouds icon
    Broken clouds
    10°C/ 2°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 4m/s
    Light rain icon
    Light rain
    4°C/ 2°CDay / Night
    Light breeze, 3m/s
    Light rain icon
    Light rain
    7°C/ 4°CDay / Night
    Moderate breeze, 7m/s
    Scattered clouds icon
    Scattered clouds
    7°C/ 1°CDay / Night
    Moderate breeze, 6m/s
    Overcast clouds icon
    Overcast clouds
    6°C/ 1°CDay / Night
    Light air, 1m/s
    Rain and snow icon
    Rain and snow
    3°C/ 2°CDay / Night
    Light air, 1m/s
    Rain and snow icon
    Rain and snow
    5°C/ 1°CDay / Night
    Light breeze, 2m/s

    Places Around



    Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.



    Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.

    Eco-friendly transportation

    Eco-friendly transportation

    Rent bicycles, electric bicycles, scooters or electric motorcycles and discover Poprad.

    City Apartment Poprad

    City Apartment Poprad

    New two-room apartment just 150 meters from the center of Poprad, offers views of the Tatras. Thanks to its location, the city of Poprad is immediately available with the possibility of trips to the High Tatras.

    Events Around


    PACI PAC oslavuje 10. narodeniny!

    13. učiteľský ples

    Po trinástykrát Vás veľmi radi privítame na našom plese, ktorý organizujú učitelia okresu Poprad pod záštitou primátora mesta Ing. Antona Danka.


    La Strada is a moving, tragic story of love, cruelty and personal transformation.

    Cigáni idú do neba

    Unikátne a originálne spojenie dvoch slovenských, no svetových umeleckých telies a prejavu spontánnej a živelnej kultúry kočovných Cigánov prináša na javisko režisér a choreograf Ján Ďurovčík v úplne novej, strhujúcej hudobno-tanečnej feérii. Je plná prekvapujúcich a dych vyrážajúcich tanečných scén v podaní Slovenského divadla tanca.

    Celtic Legends

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