Competition Krajská scénická žatva

Regional competition for amateur theater groups for the categories FEDIM youth theater, Belopotocký Mikuláš theater for adults

The festival will also include a lecture with Mgr. art. Adriana Totiková PhD., director, presenter, author, dramaturg, acting coach, actress. A. Totiková creates and directs in theaters and television, she also collaborates on films. She runs her own company Juria production, which has been cooperating for a long time on successful television projects of TV Markíza.

April 26April 27
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Few clouds
28°C/ 11°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
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Light rain
30°C/ 12°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 6m/s
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Clear sky
22°C/ 10°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 6m/s
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Clear sky
23°C/ 9°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 3m/s
Clear sky icon
Clear sky
25°C/ 11°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
Scattered clouds icon
Scattered clouds
29°C/ 12°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Moderate rain icon
Moderate rain
27°C/ 15°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s

Places Around

Zoo Spišská Nová Ves

Zoo Spišská Nová Ves

Vidieť tu môžete napríklad všetky veľké mačkovité šelmy - leva púštového, tigra ussurijského, či jaguára amerického.

Bowling Livers Pub Zámoček

Bowling Livers Pub Zámoček

Bowling Livers Pub Zámoček vám ponúka príjemné posedenie s kapacitou 80 osôb, 4 profesionálne dráhy BRUNSWICK. K dispozícii je aj mazací stroj pre športový bowling. Priestory bowlingu sú nefajčiarske a sú vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi.

Tatra Labyrint

Tatra Labyrint

During the walk in the Labyrinth, you will especially enjoy the silence, there is no construction around us and so you will see the beauties from all over the world.

Indoor minigolf

Indoor minigolf

Discover an indoor 18-hole mini golf course right in the city center

AquaCity Poprad

AquaCity Poprad

AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras

AquaCity Poprad

AquaCity Poprad

AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras

Bowling Livers Pub Zámoček

Bowling Livers Pub Zámoček

Bowling Livers Pub Zámoček vám ponúka príjemné posedenie s kapacitou 80 osôb, 4 profesionálne dráhy BRUNSWICK. K dispozícii je aj mazací stroj pre športový bowling. Priestory bowlingu sú nefajčiarske a sú vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi.

Tatra Labyrint

Tatra Labyrint

During the walk in the Labyrinth, you will especially enjoy the silence, there is no construction around us and so you will see the beauties from all over the world.

Indoor minigolf

Indoor minigolf

Discover an indoor 18-hole mini golf course right in the city center

AquaCity Poprad

AquaCity Poprad

AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras

Events Around

Germans on Spiš - exhibition

PSK - Museum in Kežmark and Spiš Museum in Spišská Nová Ves invite you to the exhibition


Jul 27

What waits for you: Alimah fusion and theater of Alechemy Historical swordplay - Swordplayer´s guild Goliath Poprad INÝ LEVEL - musical group playing for dance

Opera under the Tatras

After a year, the Eprok agency again brings an opera concert to the beautiful premises of the Wooden Articular Church in Kežmark