Bobsleigh track

Adventure attractions, Adrenaline, For kids

In Bachledka you have the opportunity to ride on the longest bobsled track in the Tatras.

In Bachledka you have the opportunity to ride on the longest bobsled track in the Tatras. It is 1,200 meters long and 15 bends, which guarantees an exceptional driving experience. The cant is 111 meters and the maximum speed you can reach is 40 km / h. Its transport capacity is 200 people per hour. The entrance to the bobsled track is at the top station of the cable car. Riding on it is safe, the speed is regulated by the visitor himself. Older children ride it alone, younger children with their parents.

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702059 55Bachledova dolina-Ždiar
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Weather Forecast

Light snow icon
Light snow
0°C/ -6°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 6m/s
Light snow icon
Light snow
-1°C/ -6°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 6m/s
Light snow icon
Light snow
-2°C/ -7°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 6m/s
Rain and snow icon
Rain and snow
3°C/ -5°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
Light rain icon
Light rain
7°C/ 3°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
Broken clouds icon
Broken clouds
7°C/ 2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Broken clouds icon
Broken clouds
6°C/ 2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s

Places Around

Roller coaster Tatrabob

Roller coaster Tatrabob

The High Tatras offer great experiences. Try adrenaline fun near Poprad.

Tatra Labyrint

Tatra Labyrint

During the walk in the Labyrinth, you will especially enjoy the silence, there is no construction around us and so you will see the beauties from all over the world.

AquaCity Poprad

AquaCity Poprad

AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras

AquaCity Poprad

AquaCity Poprad

AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras

Roller coaster Tatrabob

Roller coaster Tatrabob

The High Tatras offer great experiences. Try adrenaline fun near Poprad.

Tatra Labyrint

Tatra Labyrint

During the walk in the Labyrinth, you will especially enjoy the silence, there is no construction around us and so you will see the beauties from all over the world.

AquaCity Poprad

AquaCity Poprad

AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras

Vila Linet

Vila Linet

Villa Linet is a perfect place to relax, just a stone's throw from the High Tatras. It is located in a quiet part of Poprad called Spišská Sobota. The surroundings of the villa are perfect for lovers of hiking and exploring historical monuments. A pleasant addition to the program is the popular AquaCity water park, located just a few minutes from the accommodation.

Events Around

Rozprávanie a prezentácia: LIMBY TATRANSKÉ

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Druhé vydanie techno akcie Koľajnica v popradskom undergrounde s exkluzívnou hosťkou a kvalitným domácim supportom.

WORKSHOP: Sebaobrana

Prichádzame s NOVINKOU, workshop SEBAOBRANY s prvkami KRAV MAGY. 💪🏽

100. výročie narodenia Ivana Bohuša st.

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Jesenná Schôdza OHL SB 24

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Vernisáž výstavy: FILMOVÉ PLAGÁTY

Srdečne pozývame na novembrové podujatia do múzea Tatranskej kinematografie a fotografie na vernisáž novej výstavy Filmové plagáty v solupráci s Kinom Tatran🎥🎞️

Vianočná rozprávka ožije na Kežmarskom hrade

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Christmas concerts of PV Acoustic duo

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Vianočný koncert Nely Pociskovej

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