
Museum, gallery, heritage, For kids

Nestville Park - a distillery with exhibits and a tour for tourists

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065 01Hniezdne
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    Operation Times

    Operation times unavailable.

    Weather Forecast

    Overcast clouds icon
    Overcast clouds
    3°C/ -3°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 4m/s
    Snow icon
    1°C/ -5°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 5m/s
    Overcast clouds icon
    Overcast clouds
    -2°C/ -7°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 5m/s
    Overcast clouds icon
    Overcast clouds
    -3°C/ -8°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 3m/s
    Clear sky icon
    Clear sky
    -3°C/ -11°CDay / Night
    Light air, 1m/s
    Broken clouds icon
    Broken clouds
    -2°C/ -9°CDay / Night
    Light breeze, 3m/s
    Clear sky icon
    Clear sky
    0°C/ -10°CDay / Night
    Light air, 1m/s

    Places Around

    Bobsleigh track

    Bobsleigh track

    In Bachledka you have the opportunity to ride on the longest bobsled track in the Tatras.

    Tatra Labyrint

    Tatra Labyrint

    During the walk in the Labyrinth, you will especially enjoy the silence, there is no construction around us and so you will see the beauties from all over the world.

    Roller coaster Tatrabob

    Roller coaster Tatrabob

    The High Tatras offer great experiences. Try adrenaline fun near Poprad.

    Bobsleigh track

    Bobsleigh track

    In Bachledka you have the opportunity to ride on the longest bobsled track in the Tatras.

    Tatra Labyrint

    Tatra Labyrint

    During the walk in the Labyrinth, you will especially enjoy the silence, there is no construction around us and so you will see the beauties from all over the world.

    Roller coaster Tatrabob

    Roller coaster Tatrabob

    The High Tatras offer great experiences. Try adrenaline fun near Poprad.

    Events Around


    Obvodná poľovnícky komora Kežmarok, Okresná organizácia Slovenského poľovníckeho zväzu Kežmarok, Vojenské lesy a majetok SR š.p., o. z. Kežmarok pozývajú poľovníkov a sympatizantov poľovníctva na Poľovnícky ples, ktorý sa uskutoční v piatok 14. februára 2025 od 18.00 hod. v reštaurácii Čierny Orol v Ľubici.

    Reprezentačný ples Goralov 2025

    Obec Ždiar Vás pozýva sa zabaviť na „Ples Goralov“ dňa 15. februára 2025 so začiatkom o 19:00 hod. do hotela Magura.

    13. Podtatranský vinársky ples

    Podtatranský vinársky spolok Vás pozýva na 13. Podtatranský vinársky ples, ktorý sa uskutoční 21.02.2025 o 19.30 hod. v Hoteli Agro vo Veľkej Lomnici.