Poprad - Veľká

Other attraction

City district

Jej historický vznik a vývoj sa podobá dejinám susedných osád. Prvá zmienka je zaznamenaná v roku 1268. Osada prežila mnoho živelných pohrôm, no zažila aj obdobia hospodárskeho rozkvetu. Veľká sa môže pochváliť v minulosti rozvinutou remeselníckou výrobou a obchodom. Práve tu bol postavený obecný mlyn. Mestečko sa preslávilo modrotlačiarstvom, ktoré súviselo s výrobou domáceho plátna. V roku 1876 tu bolo založené prvé mestské múzeum - základ dnešného Podtatranského múzea.

Na námestí obostavanom starými meštiackymi domami s typickými štítovými strechami dominuje kostol sv. Jána Evanjelistu. Poloha Veľkej na severnom kraji mesta zabezpečuje ničím nerušený výhľad na scenériu tatranských končiarov. Počtom obyvateľov asi 4400 je po mestskej časti Poprad najľudnatejšou časťou mesta.

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058 01Poprad - Veľká
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    Operation Times

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    Weather Forecast

    Heavy rain icon
    Heavy rain
    15°C/ 12°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 4m/s
    Heavy rain icon
    Heavy rain
    13°C/ 8°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 4m/s
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    Moderate rain
    12°C/ 10°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 5m/s
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    Light rain
    17°C/ 10°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 4m/s
    Clear sky icon
    Clear sky
    20°C/ 12°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 4m/s
    Overcast clouds icon
    Overcast clouds
    20°C/ 11°CDay / Night
    Light breeze, 2m/s
    Broken clouds icon
    Broken clouds
    20°C/ 9°CDay / Night
    Light breeze, 2m/s

    Places Around

    Scherfel house

    Scherfel house

    A beautiful exhibition documenting the life of PHMR. AURELA VILIAMA SCHERFELA is definitely worth your visit



    One of the tallest climbing walls in Europe will get you.

    Tatra Gallery

    Tatra Gallery

    The former building of the steam power plant will enchant you not only with its architecture, but also with interesting exhibitions.

    Prior Poprad

    Prior Poprad

    The Prior Poprad department store is a place for shopping under one roof with a tradition.

    Dom kultúry

    Dom kultúry

    The House of Culture (Dom kultúry) is an ideal space for organizing theater performances, concerts or interesting talk shows.

    AquaCity Poprad

    AquaCity Poprad

    AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras

    AquaCity Poprad

    AquaCity Poprad

    AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras



    One of the tallest climbing walls in Europe will get you.

    AquaCity Poprad

    AquaCity Poprad

    AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras

    Events Around

    EXHIBITION: Srobar´s collection / Masterpieces of european art in 16. - 19. century

    Dear supporters of good art, we have prepared for you exceptional event. We will present first time an exhibition of Masterpieces of 16.-19. century (Srobar´s collection) for slovak cultural public. In vernissage 2nd of August 2024 at 17:00 Hr. will be performance of excellent czech musicians Anna Paulová - clarinet a Daniel Wiesner - piano.

    Concert: FUNUS PALEC

    🔥 EAST BEWARE!!! 🔥 The band 𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐂 will visit you Hello, see you soon 👍 in the club 𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐏𝐎𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐃. 🔥 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 2024 🔥 👉 👉 🅿 🅰 🅻 🅴 🅲 & 🅵 🆄 🅽 🆄 🆂 👈 👈 👇👇 click and learn more: 👇👇 https://www.facebook.com/events/1217540936095049/?ref=newsfeed

    Sunday creative workshops for parents with children

    Sunday creative workshops for parents with children We paint according to the works of famous masters The creative workshops will be inspired by the current exhibition Šrobár's collection - Works of masters of European art 16-19. Centuries. Fee €3.00 / person. includes entrance to the gallery and material for creative workshops. It is necessary to register for the workshop in advance at t. No.: 0915 610 756 The creative workshops will take place on September 29, 2024 at 2 p.m


    🦩 My sister, my brother, dance heals 💃🏼🕺🏼 The discotheque is a temple of movement 🏛️ Throw away your worries, come dance the night away 🍓 DJs: Spanq, Pilier soundcloud.com/spanq www.mixcloud.com/pilier Entrance fee: €4 in advance, €5 on the spot