The most beautiful Christmas under the Tatras
A number of stands, an attractive program and an excellent punch in one place
Kostol Svätej Trojice je evanjelický kostol v Poprade. Nachádza sa na Námestí svätého Egídia.
The Evangelic Church of Holy Trinity of Augsburg confession was built in course of the years 1829 – 1834, in the Classicist style, according to projects of Ján Fabrici. The Classicist altar was raised around 1838. In the church there is located Ondrej Fabrici´s tombstone of 1830, (Fabriczy), who was a priest, religious writer and noble, living and working in Poprad for 41 years.
Monday | 15:00 – 17:00 |
Tuesday | Closed |
Wednesday | 15:00 – 17:00 |
Thursday | Closed |
Friday | 15:00 – 17:00 |
Saturday – Sunday | Closed |
Throughout the year, the services of God are held on Sunday at 9:00am.
A number of stands, an attractive program and an excellent punch in one place
New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!
Visit the unique gothic church with its beautiful wall decoration
The traditional cinema has been digitized and you can currently enjoy the highest quality films here
The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!
Discover an indoor 18-hole mini golf course right in the city center
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!
The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!
Discover an indoor 18-hole mini golf course right in the city center
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
New two-room apartment just 150 meters from the center of Poprad, offers views of the Tatras. Thanks to its location, the city of Poprad is immediately available with the possibility of trips to the High Tatras.
Pozývame Vás na vianočný gospelový večer, ktorý sa uskutoční 6. decembra 2024 o 17.00h. Príďte sa započúvať do príjemných tónov a vypočuť si povzbudivé slová vianočnej správy. Vstup voľný.
Pozývame všetky deti na mikulášske poobedie vo Forume!
Srdečne pozývame deti a ich rodičov z prímestských častí mesta Poprad na návštevu Putujúceho Mikuláša, ktorého budú sprevádzať Anjel a Čert.
Videá, slideshow a rozprávanie s banskobystrickým cestovateľom Marekom Slobodníkom o veľkej ceste z Banskej Bystrice až do ďalekého Mongolska na trojkolke Honde ATC 200 s obojživelnými vozidlami Luaz 967, alias Žltými žabami.
We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition, vernissage, international exhibition of artworks entitled CHRISTMAS ART POPRAD, where 20 artists from Slovakia and the Czech Republic will present their works in the premises of the ART LASÁK GALLERY in Poprad on December 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m., at ná Egídia 94.
Koniec roka sa blíži a preto sa sním prídte rozlúčiť k nám do Barn Clubu❤️ tešíme sa na vás
Už 11.3. v Poprade vás budú baviť: Zitron, Šoko, Martin Hatala, Docent