AquaCity Poprad
- Recommended
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
AquaCity Poprad, an ecological resort, which provides luxury hotel accommodation, relaxation and wellness services, gastronomy and congress services. An aquapark, Fire & Water Wellness & Spa centre, 3 hotels, cryocentre as well as other health, sports and entertainment facilities form a vital part of the resort.
The AquaCity Poprad Aquapark offers 13 outdoor and indoor pools, toboggans, 350 water attractions, the largest wellness and spa centre in Slovakia, children’s corners, playgrounds, animation programmes for kids and state-of-the-art 3D Laser show. Wellness and Spa AquaCity Poprad with a floor area of 1,600m2 is a paradise for wellness and relaxation lovers. You will find several types of saunas, inhalations, whirlpools, the Bay of Love and the Ice Cave here.
- Phone nr.+421 52 7851111
Operation Times
00:00 – 24:00 |
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Places Around
Indoor minigolf
Discover an indoor 18-hole mini golf course right in the city center
Poprad - Spišská Sobota
Discover the pearl of Poprad!
Prior Poprad
The Prior Poprad department store is a place for shopping under one roof with a tradition.
The most beautiful Christmas under the Tatras
A number of stands, an attractive program and an excellent punch in one place
The Evangelical Church of the St. Trinity
Kostol Svätej Trojice je evanjelický kostol v Poprade. Nachádza sa na Námestí svätého Egídia.
New Chicago game zone
New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!
Guided tours
The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!
Indoor minigolf
Discover an indoor 18-hole mini golf course right in the city center
New Chicago game zone
New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!
Guided tours
The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!
Events Around
,Vážení priaznivci umenia, pozývame Vás na slávnostné odovzdávanie cien a vyhlásenie víťazov celoslovenskej súťaže výtvarnej tvorby detí a mládeže Anjel Vianoc 2024, ktoré sa uskutoční v piatok 6. decembra 2024 o 14.00 v Tatranskej galérii v Poprade na Hviezdoslavovej ulici 12.
Pozývame Vás na vianočný gospelový večer, ktorý sa uskutoční 6. decembra 2024 o 17.00h. Príďte sa započúvať do príjemných tónov a vypočuť si povzbudivé slová vianočnej správy. Vstup voľný.
Putujúci Mikuláš
Srdečne pozývame deti a ich rodičov z prímestských častí mesta Poprad na návštevu Putujúceho Mikuláša, ktorého budú sprevádzať Anjel a Čert.
Traditional tournament, traditional opponents, new venue. The Slovak men's ice hockey team returns to Poprad, where it last performed in preparation for the home world championship in 2019. Come and make the wait for the most beautiful holidays of the year more enjoyable with some good hockey. Coach Craig Ramsay's team is looking forward to your support under the Tatras!
Traditional tournament, traditional opponents, new venue. The Slovak men's ice hockey team returns to Poprad, where it last performed in preparation for the home world championship in 2019. Come and make the wait for the most beautiful holidays of the year more enjoyable with some good hockey. Coach Craig Ramsay's team is looking forward to your support under the Tatras!
Traditional tournament, traditional opponents, new venue. The Slovak men's ice hockey team returns to Poprad, where it last performed in preparation for the home world championship in 2019. Come and make the wait for the most beautiful holidays of the year more enjoyable with some good hockey. Coach Craig Ramsay's team is looking forward to your support under the Tatras!
Pozývame Vás na naše zážitkové maľovanie priamo pod Tatry, do penziónu Darinka v Poprade! Štefanský zážitok, umenie, prosecco a skvele občerstvenie Vám prinesú nezabudnuteľný zážitok!
Koniec roka sa blíži a preto sa sním prídte rozlúčiť k nám do Barn Clubu❤️ tešíme sa na vás