Reštaurácia Kaštieľ
It is said that love passes through the stomach. We believe that you will fall in love with our restaurant as well. In addition to professionally trained staff, you can look forward to a wide selection of specialties and drinks. In the pleasant environment of our restaurant, a business lunch will always be a pleasant affair and a dinner with family or friends will be a joyful experience.
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Places Around
Bowling Livers Pub Zámoček
Bowling Livers Pub Zámoček vám ponúka príjemné posedenie s kapacitou 80 osôb, 4 profesionálne dráhy BRUNSWICK. K dispozícii je aj mazací stroj pre športový bowling. Priestory bowlingu sú nefajčiarske a sú vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi.
Poprad - Matejovce
City district
Tatra Museum - exposition in Spišská Sobota
Discover the original burgher house in the heart of Spišská Sobota
Carriage museum and equestrian experiences
The Carriage Museum holds 30 pieces of different carriages and sleighs and a variety of other items.
Church of St. George
Church of St. Juraja from the middle of the 13th century is the oldest building on the square in Spišská Sobota.
Poprad - Spišská Sobota
Discover the pearl of Poprad!
Poprad - Stráže
City district
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
Indoor minigolf
Discover an indoor 18-hole mini golf course right in the city center
Adventure golf Veľký Slavkov
The unique 18-hole minigolf course only 3 km from Poprad develops concentration, patience, motor skills, estimation, but also supports healthy competition.
New Chicago game zone
New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
Bowling Livers Pub Zámoček
Bowling Livers Pub Zámoček vám ponúka príjemné posedenie s kapacitou 80 osôb, 4 profesionálne dráhy BRUNSWICK. K dispozícii je aj mazací stroj pre športový bowling. Priestory bowlingu sú nefajčiarske a sú vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi.
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
Indoor minigolf
Discover an indoor 18-hole mini golf course right in the city center
Adventure golf Veľký Slavkov
The unique 18-hole minigolf course only 3 km from Poprad develops concentration, patience, motor skills, estimation, but also supports healthy competition.
New Chicago game zone
New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!
Vila Linet
Villa Linet is a perfect place to relax, just a stone's throw from the High Tatras. It is located in a quiet part of Poprad called Spišská Sobota. The surroundings of the villa are perfect for lovers of hiking and exploring historical monuments. A pleasant addition to the program is the popular AquaCity water park, located just a few minutes from the accommodation.
Events Around
,Vážení priaznivci umenia, pozývame Vás na slávnostné odovzdávanie cien a vyhlásenie víťazov celoslovenskej súťaže výtvarnej tvorby detí a mládeže Anjel Vianoc 2024, ktoré sa uskutoční v piatok 6. decembra 2024 o 14.00 v Tatranskej galérii v Poprade na Hviezdoslavovej ulici 12.
Pozývame Vás na vianočný gospelový večer, ktorý sa uskutoční 6. decembra 2024 o 17.00h. Príďte sa započúvať do príjemných tónov a vypočuť si povzbudivé slová vianočnej správy. Vstup voľný.
Mikuláš pre alternatívnych ľudí 🎅🤘☠️ Tatrofka 200025000 vydáva svoje nové EP Petržalský Spajdrmen! V rámci svojej cesty Slovenskom sa zastaví aj v Poprade na Koľaji 22, aby nám ho odprezentovala. Dopĺňať ich budú košickí Black Light a trasheri z Vranova Wolnera. Teš sa!
Drahé sestry a bratia, tanec uzdravuje 💃🏼🕺🏼 Diskotéka je chrámom pohybu 🏛️ Opäť v Poprade, v pozmenenej zostave 💋
Traditional tournament, traditional opponents, new venue. The Slovak men's ice hockey team returns to Poprad, where it last performed in preparation for the home world championship in 2019. Come and make the wait for the most beautiful holidays of the year more enjoyable with some good hockey. Coach Craig Ramsay's team is looking forward to your support under the Tatras!
Traditional tournament, traditional opponents, new venue. The Slovak men's ice hockey team returns to Poprad, where it last performed in preparation for the home world championship in 2019. Come and make the wait for the most beautiful holidays of the year more enjoyable with some good hockey. Coach Craig Ramsay's team is looking forward to your support under the Tatras!
Traditional tournament, traditional opponents, new venue. The Slovak men's ice hockey team returns to Poprad, where it last performed in preparation for the home world championship in 2019. Come and make the wait for the most beautiful holidays of the year more enjoyable with some good hockey. Coach Craig Ramsay's team is looking forward to your support under the Tatras!
Pozývame Vás na naše zážitkové maľovanie priamo pod Tatry, do penziónu Darinka v Poprade! Štefanský zážitok, umenie, prosecco a skvele občerstvenie Vám prinesú nezabudnuteľný zážitok!
Vianoce na Koľaji 22
Na sviatky sme pre Vás pripravili dvojdňovú vianočnú párty! A to na Štefana – 26.12. štvrtok a potom v sobotu 28.12. takže máte aj jeden deň medzi tým na oddych (alebo ísť do Koľaje na inú párty, ktorá tam bude!).