Levandulová - The most beautiful songs of Hana Hegerová
Levandulová continues in 2023!
In 2023, you will experience this unique program again in selected 6 cities in Slovakia.
Due to the chamber type of the program, some event spaces are not used to their maximum capacity and the number of seats in the halls is limited.
Levandulová - The most beautiful songs of Hana Hegerová
Hana Hegerová was not "only" a singer, just like a chanson is not "only" a song.
A chanson contains and expresses a story, highlights the drama, and the performer is expected to fully immerse himself in the text and be able to capture and convey the smallest details quite naturally, while the quality of the music and text is essential in this genre. The position of chanson among musical genres can be compared to poetry in literature. It's a kind of higher kind of song, which may not be understood by everyone, but most people feel this specialness ...
And Hana Hegerová was par excellence in that.
They act:
Zuzana Kronerová
Zuzana Maurery
Lucia Šoralová
Richard Müller
Petr Malásek & accompanying band
The program will mainly include songs from the repertoire of the first lady of the Czech-Slovak chanson, Hana Hegerová, but also other beautiful songs from the author's studio Petr Hapka / Michal Horáček.
Weather Forecast
Places Around
Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.
Eco-friendly transportation
Rent bicycles, electric bicycles, scooters or electric motorcycles and discover Poprad.
City Apartment Poprad
New two-room apartment just 150 meters from the center of Poprad, offers views of the Tatras. Thanks to its location, the city of Poprad is immediately available with the possibility of trips to the High Tatras.
Events Around
,WINDSON OPEN (2 turnaje)
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Cigáni idú do neba
Unikátne a originálne spojenie dvoch slovenských, no svetových umeleckých telies a prejavu spontánnej a živelnej kultúry kočovných Cigánov prináša na javisko režisér a choreograf Ján Ďurovčík v úplne novej, strhujúcej hudobno-tanečnej feérii. Je plná prekvapujúcich a dych vyrážajúcich tanečných scén v podaní Slovenského divadla tanca.
Celtic Legends
Celtic Legends, ktorí pochádzajú z divokých a krásnych hôr Connemar v Írsku a cestovali po svete od svojho vzniku. Ich šou, naplnenú tradičnou írskou kultúrou môžete teraz zažiť aj vo svojej krajine. Predstavenie so živou hudbou, tancom a spevom s ohľadom na kultúru a starovekú históriu vytvára úžasnú atmosféru, ktorá prenesie divákov do Írska, jeho kultúry, jeho krajiny, jeho krčiem, jeho hudby a jeho srdca.