Dom kultúry

The House of Culture (Dom kultúry) is an ideal space for organizing theater performances, concerts or interesting talk shows.
ⓘ Don't wait. This event is among the most requested.
Filip Jančík brings again a series of exclusive Christmas concerts called "Perfect Christmas".
After the extraordinary success of last year's Christmas concerts, or the unique concert on the Danube, and the unceasing demand of fans, Filip Jančík is going on the fifth round of an acoustic film tour in Slovakia. This time, however, it will be a perfect Christmas.
Loyal fans will also be delighted by the largely new repertoire, where jingles from Czechoslovak films and fairy tales, which have been trusted by audiences for decades, will also find their place.
There will be a special arrangement from the movie Perinbaba, The Proud Princess, Three Nuts for Cinderella and much more.
Filip will not be indebted to his reputation and will also bring world film music and the most popular songs of the audience to the fans, such as Pirates of the Caribbean, the soundtrack from the movie Gladiator, Forest Gump, The Lord of the Rings or the series Game of Thrones. Children, on the other hand, will enjoy songs from Disney fairy tales, such as Frozen or Shrek.
In recent years, Filip Jančík has presented himself to the audience in various forms, be it concerts at Bratislava Castle, performances under windows during the pandemic or acoustic concerts of film music. Today, however, it is certain that Filip Jančík no longer needs to introduce himself to anyone. Sold out halls in Czecho-Slovakia are proof that the show of violinist Filip Jančík leaves a deep experience and impression on the audience.
The violinist is not idle and as soon as he finishes one project, he thinks about another. Lovers of classical music in Jančík's version can rest easy.
The team that will accompany him will also have 10 members and many of them will arrive from abroad. As is customary with Jančík, he likes to surround himself with the greatest professionals.
What is important to know is that he looks forward to his listeners in more than sixteen cities. A specialty will be a stop in Bratislava's Stara tržnica, where Jančík will play an acoustic evening of film music right after the new year.
Thanks to the fact that Jančík also works abroad, his concerts in Slovakia are very rare and not so frequent. In 2024, you have the only opportunity to experience it during the Christmas season and take away an emotion that will set you in the mood for the Christmas season. allows you to buy tickets online for various musical, cultural, sports and other events. You can also choose from a wide range of courses, adrenaline experiences, products and services. We don't forget the little ones either, for whom we offer children's camps and interesting events.
After making the payment, you can print your tickets. You can also buy tickets at one of our sales points. is a guarantee of the authenticity of your tickets. On you can always buy only original tickets for events.
The company does not guarantee the authenticity of tickets purchased through secondary sites, it does not support this method of sale and has nothing to do with it.
The House of Culture (Dom kultúry) is an ideal space for organizing theater performances, concerts or interesting talk shows.
Visit one of the oldest museums in Slovakia!
Shopping center right in the city center in the pedestrian zone
The traditional cinema has been digitized and you can currently enjoy the highest quality films here
The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!
Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.
The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!
Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.
New two-room apartment just 150 meters from the center of Poprad, offers views of the Tatras. Thanks to its location, the city of Poprad is immediately available with the possibility of trips to the High Tatras.
Neposedné deťúrence Janko a Marienka uprosia maminu a vyštartujú do lesa na jahody. Pri šantení nevnímajú čas a s hrôzou zistia, že zablúdili. Na všetko zabudnú, keď objavia chalúpku z perníkov. Všetko by dobre dopadlo, keby z chalupy nevyliezla ježibaba, ktorá spravodlivosť vezme do svojich pazúrov. Čo myslíte? Podarí sa Jankovi a Marienke ubziknúť, alebo skončia na obrovskej lopate v peci? Ak chcete vedieť kto zvíťazí, pozrite si náš rozprávkový príbeh.
This world-renowned virtuoso, who won the hearts of audiences all over the world, will bring a new dimension to the perception of iconic film melodies to Slovak listeners.
Pavel Hirax Baričák bude rozprávať o následkoch nevhodnej životosprávy a deštruktívnych psychických vzorcov na naše zdravie ako aj o možnostiach riešenia a ceste ku zdraviu.
Hviezdy českej komédie, Jiří Lábus, Martin Dejdar, Petr Vacek a ďalší na jednom pódiu! Nezmeškajte jedinečnú príležitosť nahliadnuť do pánskej šatne známych hercov.
Slovenská ľudová rozprávka na motívy diela Pavla Dobšinského okorenená vtipom a humorom je popretkávaná piesňami, prísloviami, porekadlami i ľudovými obyčajmi. Posúďte sami. Náš odvážny kocúr rozumie všetkému. Nielen ľudskej reči, lež i tomu, čo sa ukrýva v srdci človeka.
Príbeh malého prasiatka sa odohráva na dvorčeku, kde stretáva zvieratká, o ktorých nič nevie. Preto je nervózne, či mu niečo nespravia, nezjedia alebo nezoberú. Ak by však vedelo, čo papá zajačik, ako býva kohút a kde si zháňa potravu sliepočka, prestalo by sa báť. Ešteže je tu múdra gazdiná a gazda…
Nenechajte si ujsť tento čarovný hudobný večer, na ktorom zaznejú najznámejšie piesne a melódie z filmov o Harrym Potterovi. Na tomto jedinečnom klavírnom koncerte zaznejú filmové piesne od päťnásobného držiteľa Oscara Johna Williamsa, ako aj skladby Patricka Doyla, Nicolasa Hoopera a oscarového skladateľa Alexandra Desplata a ponúknu to najlepšie z hudby k Harrymu Potterovi.
Inštrumentálna hudba z hitového seriálu v podaní klaviristu Yehora Hrušina a sláčikového kvarteta "Neoclassical"
Hra Ako sme sa hľadali, ktorú Stanislav Štepka napísal na základe autentického listu z roku 1584, mala prvú premiéru v roku 1983 v trnavskom divadle v réžii Juraja Nvotu (v RND mala druhú premiéru v roku 2003). A práve Juraj Nvota je aj režisérom novej, upravenej, doplnenej najnovšej verzie Štepkovej poetickej hry.
Túto českú rockovú legendárnu kapelu netreba predstavovať. Poďme zaspomínať na najväčšie hity, ako je "Hráč", "Chtěl jsem mít" a veľa ďalších! Nechajte sa strhnúť vlnou nostalgie, stretnete sa s novými a starými priateľmi, a spoločne sa prepadnite do hudby, ktorú všetci milujeme.