20th AquaCity Poprad's birthday
20 years of experiences and 20 years of fun
Do not hesitate and come celebrate the 20th birthday of AquaCity Poprad with us! We are waiting for you with a rich program that will delight both young and old. An unforgettable birthday celebration throughout the weekend with an all-day animation program with lots of competitions, an interesting program, dancing and attractions. Weekend from 5.-7. July 2024 will be full of fun and unforgettable experiences.
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Places Around
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
Indoor minigolf
Discover an indoor 18-hole mini golf course right in the city center
Poprad - Spišská Sobota
Discover the pearl of Poprad!
Prior Poprad
The Prior Poprad department store is a place for shopping under one roof with a tradition.
The most beautiful Christmas under the Tatras
A number of stands, an attractive program and an excellent punch in one place
The Evangelical Church of the St. Trinity
Kostol Svätej Trojice je evanjelický kostol v Poprade. Nachádza sa na Námestí svätého Egídia.
New Chicago game zone
New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!
Guided tours
The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
Indoor minigolf
Discover an indoor 18-hole mini golf course right in the city center
New Chicago game zone
New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!
Guided tours
The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!
Events Around
,PUBQuiz U Krakena
Občianska platforma Poprad za demokraciu pozýva na ďalšie občianske zhromaždenie, ktoré sa uskutoční vo štvrtok 7. novembra o 18:00 hod. na Námestí sv. Egídia pred OC Forum. Na zhromaždení vystúpia aj herec SND Ján Gallovič a psychologička Silvia Kubáňová.
The concert will feature the following performers: David Danel (1st violin), Roman Hranička (2nd violin), Ondřej Martinovský (viola), Balázs Adorján (cello). The concert will take place in the premises of the Tatranská galeria already on November 9 at 5:00 p.m. The FAMA Quartet will perform in Poprad with a program similar to the Melos-Ethos international festival in Bratislava, but you can also look forward to the Slovak premiere of the composition Lité emaily Jitka Válové by the composer Ján Krejčík. The cycle of concerts "New music in the Tatranská galería" is a continuation of the efforts of the Slovak Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music to promote contemporary music, the work of contemporary composers and the performing arts of Slovak musicians even in smaller towns in Slovakia. You can find more information and a complete dramaturgy on our website or in the event on Facebook Admission to the concert is free.
Medzinárodná akvaristická a teráristická predajná výstava. Široký výber vodných a suchozemských živočíchov, rastlín a iného sortimentu pre chov. 🦎🐢🐠🪲🪳🕷️🐍🦂
Rotary klub Poprad a Cirkevný zbor Evanjelickej cirkvi a. v. na Slovensku Poprad Vás srdečne pozývajú na Adventný benefičný koncert, ktorý sa uskutoční v Evanjelickom kostole na Nám. sv. Egídia v Poprade dňa 1. 12. 2024 o 16:30 hod..
Silné reči v Poprade
Ježiško už usilovne cvičí brucho, aby vyzeral na Vianoce fit, a čo vy? Stresujete, že darčeky gde? Zabudnite na predvianočný zhon a poďte sa radšej zasmiať na show Silné Reči!