Exhibition Alpini - M. R. Štefánik a československé légie

The Podtatranske Museum in Poprad, a cultural institution under the authority of the Prešov Self-Government Unit, invites you to the exhibition Alpini - M.R. Štefánik and the Czechoslovak Legions.

The exhibition is organized on the occasion of "5. meeting of Alpini in Europe" as part of the events of the 11th edition of the Viva Italia festival in Poprad, tells the story of the legendary Alpine choir that fought during the First and Second World Wars. The exhibition is also an opportunity to discover a little-known part of the history of the First World War, which connects Italy with Slovaks - the birth of the Czechoslovak legions in Italy thanks to the involvement of Milan Rastislav Štefánik, who fought alongside the Alpine troops near the Piave during this war.

The exhibition is rich in photographic material and also other original materials used during the First World War.

Authors of the exhibition:

• Alessandro Zazzeron – president of the National Alpini Association, Slovakia section

• Carlo Martinelli – member of the ANA National Council and founder of the historical group "Militaria 1848-1945 ODV" (Italy)

• Mgr. Pavol Valent, chairman of the Milan Rastislav Štefánik Society, club Zvolen (Slovakia)

• in cooperation with Pre mesto, o. from.

The exhibition is available in the exhibition premises of the Podtatranské museum in Poprad at Vajanského 72/4, 058 01 Poprad from June 7 to 30, 2024, during the museum's opening hours (Tuesday - Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., closed on Mondays).

The entrance fee to the exhibition is part of the ticket to the museum exhibits.

The short opening of the exhibition will take place on Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the premises of the museum at Vajanského 72/4, all visitors are cordially invited.

Looking forward to your visit!

Program change reserved.

Jun 7, 2024Jun 30, 2024
9:00 AM5:00 PM
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Podtatranské múzeum v Poprade 058 01Poprad
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