Legend of czech music scene and author of hits like Hurikán, Žít jako kaskadér, Kde jsi, Oheň, voda, vítr. Janda is celebrating 45 years on profi scene. Come to enjoy exceptional atmosphere, unique sound and lightshow.

September 20
7:00 PM
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ARENA Poprad 058 01Poprad
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22°C/ 11°CDay / Night
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Places Around



Multisálové kino premietajúce rôzne žánre filmov



Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.



Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.

Eco-friendly transportation

Eco-friendly transportation

Rent bicycles, electric bicycles, scooters or electric motorcycles and discover Poprad.

City Apartment Poprad

City Apartment Poprad

New two-room apartment just 150 meters from the center of Poprad, offers views of the Tatras. Thanks to its location, the city of Poprad is immediately available with the possibility of trips to the High Tatras.

Events Around

Art in the world of numismatics

Slovak Academy of Science, Slovak Numismatics Company, Archeological institution of SAV and Museum in Poprad, cultural institution of Presov region invites you to exhibition "Art in world of numismatics". Exhibition presents numismatics materials of Museum´s numismatic fund and from collection of SNS. Presents previews of currencies and coins from Antique epoch to present currencies.

Program for September in the Podtatranske Museum

In addition to the permanent exhibitions, we highlight the exhibition "Art in the World of Numismatics" and the "Exhibition of Living Mushrooms" - a term based on the suitability of the conditions for the growth of mushrooms. Saturday, September 7th will belong to fashion during the historical fashion gala evening "In lace, pearls and gold" of the company Fringia, we will travel with our finger on the map during the "Traveller's Periodical", we will attend a professional numismatic conference and creative workshops for children "Art in the children's world of numismatics". We hope that you will choose from our rich offer and we look forward to your visit :) Program change reserved.

Historical fashion EVENT: In lace, pearls and gold

"In lace, pearls and gold" is the author's program of Fringia o. z., which will present the fates of ten exceptional women of our Renaissance in the form of a fashion show. We invite you to a cultural program in which 10 important women of our Renaissance (16th-17th/18th century) will perform, for example: Alžbeta Báthory, Alžbeta Czoborová, Anna Rosina Listhiusová, Žofia Bosniaková, Mária Séči, Uršula Esterházy or Julianna Géczy Korponay. The ladies are presented as they really were - extraordinary, controversial, perhaps even misunderstood, admired or terrifying... in their own way, they were icons of their time and would certainly fill the pages of tabloid magazines and social columns nowadays. During the fashionable historical gala evening, members of the company Fringia o.z. will perform, which deals with the reconstruction and presentation of Central European martial arts, period and historical dance of the late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque, and thus offers a comprehensive view of the life of the middle and upper nobility in our territory. The event will take place on Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. in the premises of the Podtatra Museum in Poprad, Vajanského 72/4 Poprad. Ticket sales from 8/27/2024 at the Vajanského museum box office 72/4, Tuesday - Sunday 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00. Price: 25 euros Possibility of reservation on t. no. 052/7721 924 The number of places is limited. Program change reserved. We look forward to your visit!


Traveling around the world is said to be the best of the three... Why? You will find out in the column "Traveller's Periodical", which presents various interesting countries and their inhabitants, as well as travelers and adventurers. In the first autumn post, we will be transported to colorful Peru, which will be brought to us by avid tourist, amateur photographer, programmer and mathematician Mária Maceková. Peru is an extremely diverse country known mainly for the "lost city" of Machu Picchu, but it offers much more - an interesting coast, desert, primeval forests, the highest lake and much more. Visitors will learn what a non-traditional honeymoon can look like, why it is better to travel as a trio, and what can be accomplished in less than three weeks in this remote corner of the world. The event takes place in the lecture rooms of the Podtatra Museum in Poprad at Vajanského 72/4, 058 01 Poprad. Admission is voluntary. Program change reserved. We look forward to your visit!

WORKSHOP: Art in the children's world of numismatics

ART IN THE CHILDREN'S WORLD OF NUMISMATICS - workshop for children September 17-19, 2024/ Tuesday - Thursday / 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Workshop for children as an accompanying event of the exhibition "Art in the world of numismatics", intended for pre-ordered school groups of primary and secondary schools. We will dive into the world of numismatics, learn what obverse and reverse are, whether numismatics can be art and what a numismatist actually does. Each child will make and take home their own coin for a pendant. The event takes place in cooperation with the OZ Strážcovia true treasures of the century, in the premises of the Podtatra Museum in Poprad, Vajanského 72/4 Poprad. Duration of the workshop: 1 lesson/45 minutes, entrance every full hour. Entrance fee: 3 €/pupil, free pedagogical support. For entry, it is necessary to order in advance at t. no. 052/7721 924.

A miracle in the shadow of the moon

And to make sure that there are not enough invitations, here is a unique one, because it invites to Slovakia after a long time. On the day of the expected lunar eclipse (but not until the evening, while the eclipse is in the morning), I would like to see you Slovak and, of course, nearby Czech friends in Poprad at the Malý Princ Cukráreň, at the Slovak premiere screening of the documentary film "Miracle in the Shadow of the Moon". So mark your calendars, I'll be looking forward to seeing you all.


Comeback of legendary trilogy of Olympic group is here. Magnificent show full of efects, projections and the best of cult albums of Prazdniny na Zemi, Ulice a Laboratorium. Obviously, it is last chance hear, watch and enjoy of experience this three essential album. And for your best experience you will not miss the best hits of 60 years history OLYMPIC GROUP.


The sports club PAGA GYM is organizing the fourth continuation of the BOJ O TATRY gala evening. During the entire gala evening, you will be able to enjoy professional and amateur boxing and kickboxing matches. The matches will feature fighters from the home Poprad club as well as fighters from other Slovak clubs. In the main match, Jozef Jurko will appear in a 10-round match for the professional international boxing champion of the Czech Republic. During the sports event, you will be able to buy raffle tickets and win interesting prizes that we are preparing for you. Option to purchase V.I.P. table right next to the ring. More info on tel. numbers: 0903 575 951 Children under 13 have a ticket price of €7 (the number of tickets is limited) The event is only available online as part of the service (it is not available at brick-and-mortar sales points). allows you to buy tickets online for various musical, cultural, sports and other events. You can also choose from a wide range of courses, adrenaline experiences, products and services. We don't forget the little ones either, for whom we offer children's camps and interesting events. is a guarantee of the authenticity of your tickets. On you can always buy only original tickets for events. The company does not guarantee the authenticity of tickets purchased through secondary sites, it does not support this method of sale and has nothing to do with it.


We invite you to the KALI & EGO concert on Saturday, November 16th Price from €29.00 - €39.00