October 2023 in the Podtatranska library in Poprad
October 3, 2023
9.00 a.m.; 11.00 a.m.
Natives of the world
Gustáv Murín will talk about the most successful male and female natives in the world for second grade elementary school and high school students.
October 4, 2023
9:30 a.m.
Baby library
Event for the youngest children up to 4 years old. Experiential reading, games and activities.
October 5, 2023
10.00 a.m.
Literature: Conversation with Matej Rumanovský
A talk with Matej Rumanovský, a writer of social novels, for high school students.
October 10, 2023
5.00 p.m.
Pavol Hudák's days of poetry: Poetic evening
Poetry evening as part of the "Poetry Days of Pavol Hudák" project, at which contemporary poets presenting various forms of poetry will perform: haiku, instant poetry, slam poetry and contemporary poetry presented by Marián Milčák. The evening will be moderated by the poet Ján Marton and musically accompanied by Skyva.
October 11, 2023
5.00 p.m.
Days of poetry by Pavol Hudák: Opening of the exhibition
Vernissage of the exhibition of visual poetry by Gabriela Bírošová and Michal Murín with a performance by Anna Čonková. The exhibition Visual Poetry maps experimental forms of poetry in recent decades in Slovakia. This fact allows us to draw attention to the poetry of Slovak authors, and here we mean both writers and visual artists, who are close to intermediality. Thus, the exhibition not only presents writers who work with the visuality of poetic text, but also presents the work of artists who tend towards poetry with their author's texts.
October 18, 2023
10.00 a.m.
Literature: Conversation with Roman Holec
A conversation with writer and Slovak historian Roman Holec for high school students.
October 18, 2023
4:00 p.m.
Teenage club
Meeting of teenagers in the library. Interviews on selected topics and books.
19 October 2023
10.00 a.m.
Fitness for the brain
Memory training using tasks, exercises and games.
31 October 2023
10.00 a.m.; 4:00 p.m.
A magical night at Hogwarts
An experiential event for children aged 8-12 full of reading, games and activities on the theme: Magical evening at Hogwarts. During the evening, you will experience potion mixing, quidditch, mandrake planting, and a magic hour.
Weather Forecast
Places Around
Dom kultúry
The House of Culture (Dom kultúry) is an ideal space for organizing theater performances, concerts or interesting talk shows.
Tatra Gallery
The former building of the steam power plant will enchant you not only with its architecture, but also with interesting exhibitions.
One of the tallest climbing walls in Europe will get you.
Tatra Museum
Visit one of the oldest museums in Slovakia!
Prior Poprad
The Prior Poprad department store is a place for shopping under one roof with a tradition.
One of the tallest climbing walls in Europe will get you.
Events Around
,DIVADLO: Mě nezadusíš
V inscenácii sa stretávame s Terezou, lepšie povedané s jej tromi vekovými verziami, aby sme sa na veci pozreli z pohľadu mladice (Karolína Holubová), ženy v strednom veku (Tereza Gübelová) i očami zrelej ženy (Eva Holubová). Trojica sa spolu dohaduje o ilúziach a omyloch, ktoré si najmladšia neuvedomuje, prostredná neprizná a najstaršia veľkoryso chápe. Každá má iné skúsenosti a iný pohľad na vec. A v živote nie je jednoduché sa rozhodovať medzi citom a rozumom, tým skôr, keď vám do neho vstupujú osudoví muži.
Mentória prináša 2. ročník medzinárodnej konferencie pre učiteľov, školských mentorov a koučov, ktorí chcú modernizovať vzdelávanie na školách.
Jednou ze slovenských zastávek STEFACHA INGROCORPSE TOUR 2025 je klub ROCK FABRIC pod Tatrama v Popradu!!! Ve spolupráci s Old School Czech and Slovak Brothers !!!
Divadlo: Pravda
"Keby si ľudia jedného dňa prestali klamať, nezostal by na svete ani jediný pár pokope. Totálna globálna katastrofa. Znamenalo by to vlastne zánik našej civilizácie."
Black Valentine Vol. 8
Aj metalovou hudbou bijúce srdcia majú právo osláviť taký komerčný sviatok, ako je Valentín. A majú právo osláviť ho po svojom. Práve preto vznikol mini fest s názvom Black Valentine a je len na tebe, či ho stráviš niekde pri sviečkach, alebo pri poriadnej metalovej hudbe!
This world-renowned virtuoso, who won the hearts of audiences all over the world, will bring a new dimension to the perception of iconic film melodies to Slovak listeners.
Pavel Hirax Baričák bude rozprávať o následkoch nevhodnej životosprávy a deštruktívnych psychických vzorcov na naše zdravie ako aj o možnostiach riešenia a ceste ku zdraviu.
Hviezdy českej komédie, Jiří Lábus, Martin Dejdar, Petr Vacek a ďalší na jednom pódiu! Nezmeškajte jedinečnú príležitosť nahliadnuť do pánskej šatne známych hercov.
Nenechajte si ujsť tento čarovný hudobný večer, na ktorom zaznejú najznámejšie piesne a melódie z filmov o Harrym Potterovi. Na tomto jedinečnom klavírnom koncerte zaznejú filmové piesne od päťnásobného držiteľa Oscara Johna Williamsa, ako aj skladby Patricka Doyla, Nicolasa Hoopera a oscarového skladateľa Alexandra Desplata a ponúknu to najlepšie z hudby k Harrymu Potterovi.
Masaker pod Tatrami 3 a opäť to najlepšie z Undergroundovej scény!