December 2023 in the Podtatranská Library in Poprad

November 30 - December 1, 2023

3.00-7.00 p.m.

Workshop Slam Poetry

Slam Poetry workshop led by Tomáš Straka, reincarnator of slam poetry in Slovakia. Designed for all poetry lovers regardless of age. The workshop will end with the performance of the participants on December 1, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

December 5, 2023

4:30 p.m.

Opening of the exhibition: Journey to the Black Sun

Vernissage of the exhibition Journey to the Black Sun: Cars in the Sahara half a century ago.

The exhibition takes visitors back to June 1, 1973, when an eight-member Expedition of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Republic from Tatranská Lomnica went to Niger, the settlement of El Meki in the Air Mountains to observe the solar corona and intramercurial planets.

Astronomical observations were made photographically by six telescopes during the total solar eclipse of June 30, 1973. It was the third longest eclipse of the 20th century, lasting seven minutes and three seconds.

December 6, 2023

9:30 a.m.

Baby library

Event for the youngest children under 5 years old. Experiential reading, games and activities on a selected topic.

December 6, 2023

4:30 p.m.

Personal bibliography of Mikuláš Argalács

Launch of a new publication of the Podtatranska Library in Poprad about the life of Mikuláš Argalács.

December 13, 2023

4:00 p.m.

Teenage club

Come talk to your peers about good books, reading, and favorite literary characters.

December 13, 2023

5:00 p.m.

Literature: Conversation with Ivana Havranová

A conversation with the writer Ivana Havranová, author of many short stories, novels and non-fiction books, more than 400 television scripts, many short stories for children, interviews and reports.

December 19, 2023

5:00 p.m.

Presentation of the book Spiš v premenách času / Spiš region: A Journey through time

The civic association of Mons Castri has prepared a unique bilingual publication for all those interested in history and archaeology. Its theme is Spiš in the transformations of time in the prehistoric, ancient and medieval times. The event is held under the auspices of the chairman of the Prešov self-government unit, Milan Majerský.

December 28, 2023

11.00 a.m.

From fairy tale to fairy tale

An experiential event for children from 8 to 12 years old full of reading, games and activities on the theme: Winter fun.

Nov 30, 2023Dec 28, 2023
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Podtatranská knižnica v Poprade 058 01Poprad
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Weather Forecast

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25°C/ 13°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
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Clear sky
26°C/ 14°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 5m/s
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Light rain
18°C/ 13°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
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16°C/ 13°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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Light rain
19°C/ 11°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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Clear sky
22°C/ 11°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
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Moderate rain
15°C/ 6°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s

Places Around

Dom kultúry

Dom kultúry

The House of Culture (Dom kultúry) is an ideal space for organizing theater performances, concerts or interesting talk shows.

Tatra Gallery

Tatra Gallery

The former building of the steam power plant will enchant you not only with its architecture, but also with interesting exhibitions.



One of the tallest climbing walls in Europe will get you.

Tatra Museum

Tatra Museum

Visit one of the oldest museums in Slovakia!

Prior Poprad

Prior Poprad

The Prior Poprad department store is a place for shopping under one roof with a tradition.



One of the tallest climbing walls in Europe will get you.

Events Around

Theater: MALKA

Performance written by František Švantner, representative of slovak lyrical prose. It will bring unusual and remarkable experience for audience. Performance is about hard life of people in mountains with poetical pictures and symbols.

Massacre under the Tatras 2

HUMILIATION The Malaysian old school death metal unit Humiliation sets out to conquer Europe and will start its war campaign with a single concert in Slovakia, in Poprad!!! However, we cannot take the Tatras for granted, so the following supports will come to our aid: EXORCISPHOBIA The Czechs are still our brothers, so the help from their side was clear. One of the best not only Czech thrash metal bands is here again after years! CHAINSWORD The Tatras also belong to the Poles, so the Chainsword artillery brigade arrives to rescue them. Old school death metal of the highest quality again!!! BRAIN DEALERS The only representatives of Slovakia, the increasingly popular Brain Dealers, will take the first line with their death metal!!!

Theater: Rysavá Jalovica

Adam Krt will go to market and in good mood will buy from Trnka cow. Alkohol joins them, and cow suddenly desappear. Adam has a lot of troubles, because he will come home withou cow and without money.

Bass Revolution: Johny Winata + Vevø + Riøt

The sixth edition of the Bass Revolution resident event will take place on September 20 at Rock Fabric in Poprad. Line-up: 22:00 - 00:00 - Johny Winata 00:00 – 02:00 – Vevø 02:00 – end – Riøt


🔥 EAST BEWARE!!! 🔥 The band 𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐂 will visit you Hello, see you soon 👍 in the club 𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐏𝐎𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐃. 🔥 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 2024 🔥 👉 👉 🅿 🅰 🅻 🅴 🅲 & 🅵 🆄 🅽 🆄 🆂 👈 👈 👇👇 click and learn more: 👇👇

Theatrical performance Sen každej ženy

A play by the author Mir Gavran, the most played contemporary Croatian playwright. Time is fast. There is no time for anything. There is no time to find a partner, cook dinner, visit parents, walk the dog. Time is materialistic. We desire a rich partner, a luxury car, a big house, expensive rags, pierced lips... Time is virtual. We escape from reality into a world of lies. And to find an ideal partner at such a time? That's every woman's dream! And what happens when the DREAM becomes reality? They act: Andrea Karnasová, Andrea Profantová and Braňo Deák Duration of the event: 90 minutes Genre: theater Not suitable for minors under 15 years of age.

TALKSHOW Petra Marcina

Najúspešnejšia slovenská TalkShow opäť mieri za svojimi divákmi! Peter Marcin prichádza so zájazdovou verziou najpopulárnejšej slovenskej TalkShow. Môžete sa tešiť na výbornú LIVE atmosféru, pútavé rozhovory, zábavné príhody a scénky, pesničky, či interakcie s divákmi! Čaká na vás skvelá zostava hostí - hudobný hosť Kali, Tomáš Bezdeda, herečka Lujza Garajová a Juraj Ďuriš. A možno príde aj „Malý Mirko“... Pozor! Predstavenie nie je vhodné pre divákov do 15 rokov! Zľavy: bez nároku na zľavu