Running race: Kubašská 10°
Propositions of the 9th edition of the "Kubašská 10°" run:
Organizer of the race: Spišské Bystré Municipal Office in cooperation with the Spišské Bystré Tourist Club, Elementary School and Kindergarten Spišské Bystré.
Date of the race: September 28, 2024
Start: 1:30 p.m. bulk for all categories
Place of start and finish: the outdoor playground at the Spišské Bystré elementary school
Track length: 10 km/ 5 km - from 16 years old without age limit Men/Women
Track elevation: ↑222 ↓222
Surface: asphalt 30%, trail 70%,
Refreshments: only on the 10 km course.
Certified: No, but all the more beautiful and demanding.
Information and registration: Every competitor can register until September 22, 2024 via the website or on the day of the race (September 28, 2024).
The entry fee paid in advance guarantees a full entry package. Requests for information should be sent to the registration e-mail address:
Entry fee: for those registered until September 22, 2024, the entry fee is €10, on the day of the race it is €15, the entry fee for Juniors until September 22, 2024 is €7, on the day of the race it is €10. Student categories without entry fee.
You can find more information about the race here: or at
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Rozhýbte svoje telo!
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