Conversation with Matúš Špirko How to get in shape by summer?

May 17, 2024 Friday €2.50 7:00 p.m.

A conversation with Matúš Špirko and his team

How to get in shape for the summer?

The answer will be the main topic of the discussion: diet, training and motivation.

During the evening you will have the opportunity to:

- taste healthy canapés

- join the competition for books

- listen to interesting guests

- meet the coaches and discuss with them

- get books about weight loss from the author and with a signature

You can find more information about Matúš Špirko - the shift coach at

Get a €0.50 coupon for a discount on the entrance fee! Come to our Ladies Evening at the Tatran cinema and you will receive one discount coupon for each ticket. This can be used to purchase a discounted ticket for the discussion at the cinema box office.

We are looking forward to you!

Year of manufacture: 2024

Country of origin:


May 17
7:00 PM9:00 PM

Weather Forecast

Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
1°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Snow icon
1°C/ -3°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 5m/s
Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
1°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Broken clouds icon
Broken clouds
2°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Light snow icon
Light snow
0°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Light snow icon
Light snow
0°C/ -8°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Clear sky icon
Clear sky
-1°C/ -10°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s

Places Around

Kino Tatran

Kino Tatran

The traditional cinema has been digitized and you can currently enjoy the highest quality films here

Guided tours

Guided tours

The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!

Church of St. Giles

Church of St. Giles

Visit the unique gothic church with its beautiful wall decoration

New Chicago game zone

New Chicago game zone

New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!

Forum Poprad

Forum Poprad

Shopping center right in the city center in the pedestrian zone

Tatra Museum

Tatra Museum

Visit one of the oldest museums in Slovakia!



Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.

Guided tours

Guided tours

The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!

New Chicago game zone

New Chicago game zone

New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!



Paintball Poprad ponúka zábavu a aktívny oddych za super cenu.

City Apartment Poprad

City Apartment Poprad

New two-room apartment just 150 meters from the center of Poprad, offers views of the Tatras. Thanks to its location, the city of Poprad is immediately available with the possibility of trips to the High Tatras.

Events Around

Vianočný gospelový večer

Pozývame Vás na vianočný gospelový večer, ktorý sa uskutoční 6. decembra 2024 o 17.00h. Príďte sa započúvať do príjemných tónov a vypočuť si povzbudivé slová vianočnej správy. Vstup voľný.

Putujúci Mikuláš

Srdečne pozývame deti a ich rodičov z prímestských častí mesta Poprad na návštevu Putujúceho Mikuláša, ktorého budú sprevádzať Anjel a Čert.

Trojkolkou do Mongolska s Marekom Slobodníkom

Videá, slideshow a rozprávanie s banskobystrickým cestovateľom Marekom Slobodníkom o veľkej ceste z Banskej Bystrice až do ďalekého Mongolska na trojkolke Honde ATC 200 s obojživelnými vozidlami Luaz 967, alias Žltými žabami.

VERNISSAGE: II. CHRISTMAS ART POPRAD - international exhibition

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition, vernissage, international exhibition of artworks entitled CHRISTMAS ART POPRAD, where 20 artists from Slovakia and the Czech Republic will present their works in the premises of the ART LASÁK GALLERY in Poprad on December 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m., at ná Egídia 94.

Stand-up: Silné reči

Už 11.3. v Poprade vás budú baviť: Zitron, Šoko, Martin Hatala, Docent