Hotel Europa
- Recommended
Hotel Europa**** offers high-standard accommodation in rooms and apartments. The hotel has a longtime tradition. Its opening dates back to 1898 and as it has always been right from the beginning, it has been fulfilling its hotel function to this day. The hotel is situated near the train and bus station, as well as in walking distance from the centre of Poprad. There are 39 exclusively furnished rooms available, 29 of those are double rooms, 4 triple rooms, 2 single rooms and 4 apartments. All the rooms are equipped with an electronic safe, a minibar, a phone with direct dialling, LCD television with satellite reception and with internet connection. The bathrooms are fitted with shower enclosures, or rather massage baths, there are hair dryers and quality cosmetics. As a part of the hotel there is a restaurant and a historical café divided into two separate parts, smoking and non-smoking.
Request accommodation
We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.
- Phone nr.+421 915 369765
- Facebookpg/hoteleuropapoprad/about
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Places Around
Tatra Gallery
The former building of the steam power plant will enchant you not only with its architecture, but also with interesting exhibitions.
Prior Poprad
The Prior Poprad department store is a place for shopping under one roof with a tradition.
Kino Tatran
The traditional cinema has been digitized and you can currently enjoy the highest quality films here
Guided tours
The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!
Church of St. Giles
Visit the unique gothic church with its beautiful wall decoration
Dom kultúry
The House of Culture (Dom kultúry) is an ideal space for organizing theater performances, concerts or interesting talk shows.
New Chicago game zone
New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
Guided tours
The Poprad Municipal Information Office offers you regular guided tours, as well as tours on demand to order!
New Chicago game zone
New Chicago - Miesto pre oddych a zábavu pre mladých. V podniku sa nachádza množstvo hier, nápojov a skvelej nálady!
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
City Apartment Poprad
New two-room apartment just 150 meters from the center of Poprad, offers views of the Tatras. Thanks to its location, the city of Poprad is immediately available with the possibility of trips to the High Tatras.
Events Around
,Občianske zhromaždenie
Občianska platforma Poprad za demokraciu pozýva na ďalšie Občianske zhromaždenie, ktoré sa uskutoční vo štvrtok 21.11.2024 o 18:00 hod. pred OC Forum.
♥️ P I A T O K ♥️ LADIES NIGHT 🤩 ❗️ dievčatá majú VSTUP do 00:00 hod ZADARMO ❗️
Druhé vydanie techno akcie Koľajnica v popradskom undergrounde s exkluzívnou hosťkou a kvalitným domácim supportom.
Výstava a burza MODELOV
📣AUTOTATRY ako partner akcie Výstavy zberateľských modelov áut a burzy Vás pozýva na 📍Mestský úrad v Poprade, 24.11.2024.
Príď osláviť návrat pravej hip-hopovej atmosféry do Popradu! Pozývame všetkých do undergroundových priestorov Koľaje 22 na nezabudnuteľnú noc plnú beatu a rýmov. Čaká Vás špeciálny headliner – slovenský rapový kráľ Zverina, ktorý prinesie surovú energiu a silné beaty priamo do srdca mesta!
Silné reči v Poprade
Ježiško už usilovne cvičí brucho, aby vyzeral na Vianoce fit, a čo vy? Stresujete, že darčeky gde? Zabudnite na predvianočný zhon a poďte sa radšej zasmiať na show Silné Reči!
Videá, slideshow a rozprávanie s banskobystrickým cestovateľom Marekom Slobodníkom o veľkej ceste z Banskej Bystrice až do ďalekého Mongolska na trojkolke Honde ATC 200 s obojživelnými vozidlami Luaz 967, alias Žltými žabami.
Prinášame Vianočný koncert obľúbeného orchestra Cigánski diabli. Pripravte sa na dávku temperamentu, emócie a skvelého hudobného zážitku.
Stand-up: Silné reči
Už 11.3. v Poprade vás budú baviť: Zitron, Šoko, Martin Hatala, Docent