Hiking around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. Kvetnica nature trail is located in the recreational part of Poprad-Kvetnica.
Hiking around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. Kvetnica nature trail is located in the recreational part of Poprad-Kvetnica.
Hiking around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. The Health Circuit is located in the recreational part of Poprad-Kvetnica.
Hiking around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. Zámčisko hill is located in the recreational part of Poprad-Kvetnica.
Cycling around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. The route starts at Námestí sv. Egídia square in Poprad and goes to the recreational part of Poprad-Kvetnica.
Cycling around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. The route starts at Námestie sv. Egídia square in Poprad and heads through the town of Svit to Lopušná dolina
Cycling around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. The route starts at Námestie sv. Egídia square in Poprad and goes in the footsteps of the Neanderthals to the village of Gánovce.
Cycling around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. The route starts at Námestie sv. Egídia square in Poprad and goes to Lopušná dolina via Spišská Teplica and back to Poprad via the town of Svit.
Cycling around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. The route starts at Námestie sv. Egídia square in Poprad and goes to the famous village Vrbov, where you will also find a thermal swimming pool.
Cycling around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. The route starts at Námestie sv. Egídia square in Poprad and heads to Tatranská Polianka under Gerlach peak.
Cycling around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. The route starts at Námestie sv. Egídia square in Poprad and heads to the tatra settlement Starý Smokovec.
Cycling around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras, the route leads through Spišská Magura to the Pieniny National Park. The route starts at Námestie sv. Egídia square in Poprad and leads through Kežmarok and Slovenská Ves to Červený Kláštor.
Hiking around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. The educational mining trail is located in the recreational part of Poprad-Kvetnica.
Hiking around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. Enjoy beautiful undemanding tourism under the Tatra giants.
Hiking around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. Enjoy beautiful undemanding tourism under the Tatra giants.
Hiking around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. Enjoy beautiful undemanding tourism under the Tatra giants.
Hiking around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. Enjoy beautiful undemanding tourism under the Tatra giants.
Cycling around Poprad, in the beautiful countryside below the High Tatras. The route starts at Námestie sv. Egídia square in Poprad and goes to the recreational part of Poprad-Kvetnica and back