Maťov privát
Maťov privát offers its guests comfortable accommodation throughout the year with a maximum capacity of 17 people. There is a double room, two four-bed apartments and one seven-bed apartment. All accommodation units have their own bathroom with toilet and Wi-Fi connection. To prepare your own food, you will be able to use the kitchenette, which you will also find in every apartment and room. One four-bed apartment even has a balcony. Guests can also use a common room, table tennis and table football, while outdoor seating, a children's slide and parking spaces are available right next to the building.
Request accommodation
We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.
- Phone nr.+421 917 069109
- Facebookprofile.php
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Places Around
Poprad - Veľká
City district
Scherfel house
A beautiful exhibition documenting the life of PHMR. AURELA VILIAMA SCHERFELA is definitely worth your visit
One of the tallest climbing walls in Europe will get you.
Near the bike path and sports facilities under construction you will find a concrete playground, which is designed for the local skateboarding and biking community.
Tatra Gallery
The former building of the steam power plant will enchant you not only with its architecture, but also with interesting exhibitions.
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
One of the tallest climbing walls in Europe will get you.
Near the bike path and sports facilities under construction you will find a concrete playground, which is designed for the local skateboarding and biking community.
AquaCity Poprad
AQUAPARK AquaCity Poprad - water world under the High Tatras
Events Around
,Exhibition of paintings: Leni Hončárová OKAMIHY
BASKETBAL: Medzinárodný turnaj MEL U16
Basketbalová akadémia mládeže Vás pozýva na medzinárodný TURNAJ U16 v basketbale dievčat 21.-24. novembra 2024.
V casine excel Poprad bude pekelne horúco. 🥵 Príď si užiť skvelú ohňovú aj svetelnú show so skupinou DREAMDANCERS. 😎 Budeme žrebovať víťazov Veľkého balíka 💰 a odohráme aj pokrový turnaj POPRAD CUP s 10.000 € GTD. 🤑
Druhé vydanie techno akcie Koľajnica v popradskom undergrounde s exkluzívnou hosťkou a kvalitným domácim supportom.
WORKSHOP: Sebaobrana
Prichádzame s NOVINKOU, workshop SEBAOBRANY s prvkami KRAV MAGY. 💪🏽
Príď osláviť návrat pravej hip-hopovej atmosféry do Popradu! Pozývame všetkých do undergroundových priestorov Koľaje 22 na nezabudnuteľnú noc plnú beatu a rýmov. Čaká Vás špeciálny headliner – slovenský rapový kráľ Zverina, ktorý prinesie surovú energiu a silné beaty priamo do srdca mesta!
Koncerty na Koľaji 22
30.november - Andrej, Ondrej Takže budeme oslavovať, no nie len grindkorom, hc punkom a metalom je človek živý. Máme radi všetko možné.
Frayer Flexking a Radikal Chef sa spojili a prinášajú show v sprievode množstva špeciálnych hostí, ktorú predvedú hneď v niekoľkých slovenských mestách.